
The Future Is Creative!
However, it will require the collective effort -as an industry working across the creative disciplines- in order for the next generation of creative entrepreneurs and professionals to redefine and shape this new world we find ourselves in. Each stakeholder needs to play their part.
We have outlined what our expectations are for participating institutes of the 27 Day [inter-schools] Innovation Challenge on the adjacent page. Please see sign In instructions below:

The challenge operates across varsities to break students out of the geographical, institutional and discipline specific silos that they operate in, in order for them to build life long networks. Participating institutions (administrators) will need to sign up by the 27 October 2020, to indicate their commitment to being a part of the challenge which will run in April 2021. The early registration for their students will then run from the 9 NOV 2020 – 27 NOV 2020,

The challenge will work across disciplines to create learning opportunities ACROSS INTERESTS. From each participating institute we ask that they involve students from at least 4 different programmes. Students will then have the opportuntity to select their studio for the challenge based on the problem they are interested in solving.

Fill in details
Select Educational Partner

Select 27 Day Innovation Challenge
Confirmation email will be sent to the email provided on the sign up

The challenge will work across ages to create learning opportunities ACROSS YEAR GROUPS. From each participating institute we ask that they involve students from all their year groups. The journey towards entrepreneurship starts at different times for different individuals depending on their environment therefore we don’t want to limit access to the program based on someone's age.

The fee for the challenge is R700 per student -discounted to R450 for students who register through a participating institute. This fee goes towards the cost of the masterclasses, educational material and templates provided, feedback sessions from industry leaders and the operational costs of running and marketing the challenge. The Top 7 students from the challenge will be awarded a scholarship to further develop their idea into a business through the cross class programme.
